Aug 20
commentsBy marni
In Copywriting
Tagsantioxidants apples beans broccoli cinnamon green tea healthy eating pumpkin superfoods

6 Anti-Aging Superfoods to Help You Look 10 Years Younger
by Marni Andrews
There may be no other period in our history that has been so focused on analyzing what we eat. And yet, the American population today is probably more overweight and less healthy than it has ever been. One way to alleviate these problems and return to a healthier way of life is to harness the power of superfoods.
Superfoods are generally foods in their natural, unprocessed state. Superfoods are full of powerful antioxidants, fiber, and nutrients that are good for the brain, digestive health, and various other anti-aging health benefits. Even if you are not following a weight loss diet plan, incorporating these superfoods into your diet is a quick, painless, and delicious way to start achieving your anti-aging nutrition and health goals.
Apples: Scientists from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) measured the antioxidant concentration in more than 100 foods, and ranked Red Delicious and Granny Smith apples as number 12 and 13 on that list. Antioxidants can help prevent and even repair oxidation damage that happens as a result of aging. Medium-sized apples also contain about 4 g of fiber. Plus, researchers at Cornell University identified one dozen compounds in the apple peel that either inhibit or kill liver, colon, and breast cancer cells.